We are there to protect your trademark

Reliable advice, personal touch, since 1985


years of experience





Dependable Guidance with a Personal Approach, Established Since 1985

Since 1985, Markeys has been dedicated to safeguarding trademarks. We specialize in assessing the eligibility of names, logos, and slogans for registration, ensuring thorough investigation and meticulous attention to detail. Once your trademark is registered, we diligently monitor for any potential infringements by third parties. As a trusted trademark agency, we serve a diverse clientele of both domestic and international trademark holders. Moreover, we frequently collaborate with advertising and communications agencies, as well as local agents across various regions, both within and outside the European Union.

Our services


We provide various types of searches: identical trademark scans, availability trademark searches, in-use searches, and linguistic searches. Feel free to inquire about the most suitable search for you.

Trademark registration

In which region do you seek protection? We offer trademark registration services for Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg (Benelux), the European Union, as well as internationally.

Trademark watching

At Markeys, protection entails adding your trademark to our monitoring system. We provide proactive trademark monitoring and take action in the event of intellectual property infringement.

Trademark consultancy

We provide advice and support in the event of conflicts, even after your registration is complete. Need impartial guidance? The trademark consultants at Markeys are here to assist you.

Markeys is your premier trademark agency, offering comprehensive legal protection against third-party infringement of your trademarks, trade names, and online domains. Expect unparalleled security at every step of the process. Whether you prefer full control or seek assistance from our expert team, Markeys is dedicated to supporting your needs. We ensure that third parties are unable to exploit the familiarity and reputation of your trademark. Additionally, we help mitigate confusion among your clients by preventing competitors' trademarks from being mistaken for yours.